VLVL2: urls of possible interest to Vineland readers

pynchonoid pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 14 18:06:38 CST 2004

from The Scout Report - March 12, 2004  :


The Vietnam Project [pdf, RealOne Player]

A number of online archives exist already to remember
major military
conflicts (particularly for World War II), so it is
fitting that the Vietnam
War also have a significant web presence. Designed by
a dedicated team at
Texas Tech University, the Virtual Vietnam Archive
"enables scholars,
students and all interested in this remarkable period
in our world history
to conduct research directly from universities,
schools, libraries, and
homes." Currently, the project contains over 1.5
million pages of materials
online, ranging from photographs, slides, audio and
video recordings, and a
number of oral histories. The search engine for the
archive is quite
powerful and simple to use, and allows users to
specify dates, media format
desired, language, and document title. While the site
doesn't offer any
thematically organized collections per se, there is a
real wealth of
material here. One particular highlight is the number
of oral history audio
files online here. These are drawn from a number of
persons involved with
the Vietnam War in a number of capacities.
Additionally, visitors will want
to check out the wealth of material related to the
proceedings and history
of the Vietnam Project, including newsletters and
project updates. [KMG]


The Tibetan & Himalayan Digital Library (THDL)

As stated on the home page, "The Tibetan & Himalayan
Digital Library is an
international community using Web-based technologies
to integrate diverse
knowledge about Tibet and the Himalayas for free
access from around the
world." In other words, visitors to THDL can expect
more than an image
database and digital documents, although these
materials are present. The
Guide to Resources, accessed by choosing the First
Time Visitors link,
provides an overview of THDL resources grouped into
broad categories (that
appear as images on the homepage) including:
Collections, Reference,
Community, Education, and Tools. Collections are
further organized by
format, such as audio, video, or GIS-technology based
materials including a
gazetteer and maps of Tibet, Asia, Lhasa and Sera.
There are multimedia
collections based on the work of a particular
individual, such as Frederick
Williamson, a British political officer who took about
1700 photographs of
Tibet in the 1930s. Also included are thematic
collections such as
Architecture, Art, Literature, History; Interactive
maps and models, such as
a 3D interactive model of Meru Nyingba Monastery
(Lhasa, Tibet); and
electronic journals. There are a number of resources
to assist with Tibetan
languages, such as translators and dictionaries, and
digital tools for
displaying fonts, and the Community section provides
discussion forums,
email lists, Blogs, and links to associations and
individuals of interest.


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