P's Intro to _1984_

pynchonoid pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 14 18:18:30 CST 2004

[...] The ten essays in Dudziak's edited volume take
issue with the
portrayal of the September 11 attacks as a watershed
moment in the
history of the United States, Islam, and international
Authors do not dispute that the attacks affected
existing social,
political, and legal structures but that the ensuing
changes were
unprecedented.  In other words, September 11 did not
bring about a
paradigmatic shift in policy-making, identity
formation, and
jurisprudence.  Instead, it re-framed existing
paradigms in such a
manner that it is now more easily justified to dismiss
egalitarian, and non-violent means in resolving
domestic and
international conflicts. [...] 


The Aftermath of September 11: A Radical
Transformation or Old
Bottles for New Wine?

Published by H-USA at h-net.msu.edu (January 2004)

Mary L. Dudziak, ed. _September 11 in History: A
Watershed Moment?_.
American Encounters/Global Interactions Series. Durham
and London:
Duke University Press, 2003. 240 pp. Illustrations,
bibliography, index.  $79.95 (cloth), ISBN
0-8223-3229-9; $22.95
(paper), ISBN 0-8223-3242-6.

Reviewed for H-USA by Burcak Keskin-Kozat, Department
of Sociology,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor


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