the old farts calling the incorrectly boiled hard-boiled eggs smelly

Richard Romeo r.romeo at
Mon Mar 22 13:28:31 CST 2004

um, like, guys, i haven't really wanted to be the one to, you know, like, 
tell you, but....

this is why the corrections is my vote for what a real book looks like today, indeed, what a 
masterwork on a par with GR looks like today, and why the meta shit should 
best be left to the movies (e.g. demonlover, irreversible, prototypes of 
what movies will look like in 20, 30 years).
[Richard Romeo] maybe you like frazen or maybe your saying this is the best we can expect, who knows with you fella--you are a meta-person, mr mittelwerk, and that is not a criticism (why argue with a ghost?)
I think the trend for the chabons, frazens, wallaces, is let us take a smidgen of excess, a taste of some road less traveled, a place, issue, and other obscure ephemera, and bully into some neo-realist frame, and make it 500 pgs (eugenides, lethem you can add here) and what you got is neither strange or mysterious nor a coherent stew of traditional lit with a story and a dysfunctional family. i.e. most American fiction is god awful dull, neither more pricks nor kicks. Can't enjoy your phantasms while licking your grandmother, eh, mr M?

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