OK 2b Luddite?

Joseph Tracy brook7 at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 18 22:27:35 CDT 2004

Just wanted to unofficially , officially , and superficially accounce,  in case y'all missed it, that the schedule of readings has lead us to Is it OK to be a Luddite?  by Thomas Pynchon,( www.themodernword.com/pynchon/pynchon_essays_luddite.html )a noted  American writer sometimes discussed on this list. Yaknow I dreamed isaw Tom Pyn last night, alive as you are me, handing out some common sense and revolution tea. 
As the host I have posted a few introductory thoughts and materials, insipid and underinspired I admit, but but I'm really hoping for the regulars and lurkers to read this  err-ludite,  funny and thoughtful essay and jump in with responses.  Perhaps I could invite an artist in residence to  write real dirty,  or hand out peyote buttons  or  invite one of the more death defying post-modernists to leap symbolically from the top of Gravity's rainbow into the butt of a rubber duck, I mean just to create a convivial and festive atmosphere to kick-start the party. I'm open to suggestions  or sacrificial offerings. I know the erection draweth nigh, America is in the missionary position;even sometime quakers like myself are pissed as hell. Goering has nothing on these creeps. So let's talk , let's use our freedom while we've got it.  The doctorates and the dog turds are in the house, and the drinks are on the house, and the talking heads are burning down the house, but not to worry there's plenty more where that came from. 

Joseph Tracy
brook7 at earthlink.net
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