OK 2b Luddite?

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 19 17:35:50 CDT 2004

I've been smoking funny non-cigarettes and hanging
around with girls.  So bring it on.  And we WILL get
to that Farina intro, as soon as time allows ...

--- Joseph Tracy <brook7 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Perhaps I could invite an artist in residence to 
> write real dirty, or hand out peyote buttons  or 
> invite one of the more death defying post-modernists
> to leap symbolically from the top of Gravity's
> rainbow into the butt of a rubber duck, I mean just
> to create a convivial and festive atmosphere to
> kick-start the party. I'm open to suggestions  or
> sacrificial offerings....

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