re & furthermore ... VLVL Pynchon's eye for detail

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Sat Sep 4 07:52:51 CDT 2004

"One" can start anywhere, well, one starts.  Me, I end
up reading a lot of stuff I read elsewhere about
first.  But maybe I'm taking yr potshots here all too
personally.  My weapon of choice USED to be my own
damn collection, but that's largely in storage, so ...
so rather than perhaps badmouthing, say, the guy who
goes to an awful lot of effort here at times to answer
our voluminous viewer mail, why don't you show us how
it's done, Terrance?  Or, at any rate, how you think
it should be done?  Or, at any rate, how you'd do it? 
I'm not sure that's the sam as how you've done it so
far here, you've hardly been a "general," "average,"
whatever, reader.  I've got all weekend, so ...

--- Terrance <lycidas2 at> wrote:

> the Thoreen book is an excellent read, but one
> must read p's novels first. not always the practice
> round these parts where the google machine now
> seems the only tool left in the box.

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