VL: the Deal

pynchonoid pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 4 11:31:38 CDT 2004

Can't and won't disagree with that, Dave; Pynchon
doesn't let any of these characters entirely off the
hook, although he seems very sympathetic to the young
folks, and his attitude towards Zoyd and Frenesi
seems, to me at least, to reflect his own personal
journey of betrayal, estrangement, forgiveness, and
reconciliation with regard to his own family, friends,
generational cohort. If he hated the 60s
counterculture rebels the way jbor and Mr T seem to
do, Pynchon would have done something like inflicted
them -- as an Oklahoma cousin used to say -- "with
curvature of the spine so their nose draws up to their
butthole, then dose them with the drizzly shits for a
thousand years." Instead, he sends them back into this
loving extended family and community, forgiven and

I'm not rejecting any of the negatives that jbor bases
on the text (just the stuff he makes up); basically
I'm just adding in the positive stuff he leaves out,
then framing an interpretation that includes both the
positives and the negatives, looking for middle
ground, with a bias towards the 60s generation and
their aspirations.

 Hector has his charming moments, but, rilly, how much
time are you going to want to spend with a guy who
tries to abduct your daughter, plants pot in your home
to use the threat of prosecution on trumped-up charges
to get you to turn informer, & etc. -- no matter how
funny the guy's jokes are, that's not a nice guy.  

--- Dave Monroe <monropolitan at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm not so sure that anyone is "innocent," or, at
> any
> rate, free of (tainted, corrupt, plain ol') Power,
> authority, whatever, in Vineland, reagrdless of how
> sympathetic we might be to them, we might want to be
> to them.  [...] 

"everything connects"

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