Pinching Women

Mark Wright AIA mwaia at
Wed Sep 22 15:58:33 CDT 2004

I too used to think that women wouldn't read P unless he shows up on a
syllabus somewhere. 

But I've since figured it out. Truth be told, relatively few people of
either gender really enjoy P, and since few of my non-P-list friends
are really readers anyway, it's no surprise that no women I know have
ever read P for pleasure. I don't know any non-P-list *men*  (I call
them "normals") who've read P for pleasure.

I can't tell you how many copies of GR I've given away to no avail.
Eventually I realised that I was using GR to *test* people, and that
they resented this, and so I keep myself to myself on the topic of P
anymore. I do better at parties as a result, let me tell you. A real
Pynchon enthusiast is no more fun to meet than a Jehovah's Witness.

I've met a few ex P-listers who are women, and I can recommend their
company highly. They may be rare birds, but they *are* birds, for all
that. Stately, wonderful birds with big hearts, fine minds, and great


--- Cyrus <cyrusgeo at> wrote:

> A female friend of mine has read GR and M&D and enjoyed both of them 
> immensely. She's a mezzo-soprano with a great sense of humor
> (sometimes 
> too much) and seems to understand the male point of view -- something
> as 
> rare as its opposite.
> Cyrus
> RuudSaurins at wrote:
> >All the Talk.....
> >    ....about top ten this'n'that and mission repossession force-X
> usw... evidently provoked someone to inquire as to the gender
> identity of P-Listers, and why (if it indeed the case) there seem to
> be so few ardent Pynchon enthusiasts among the
> Y-chromosomally-challenged.  I had often wondered about this; seeing
> as the e-mail names are so often sexless, as well as the posted
> commentary being less than fully revealing (as is so often the case
> with upscale pornography!).
> >     So on a Pynchon related theme, what's up with this?  I appear
> to have inherited a perfectly functional Y-chromosome, as do all of
> the P-Listers that I have communicated with.  I have never met a
> woman who admitted to having even read, much less enjoyed, reading
> Pynchon.  A recent girlfriend tried _The Crying of Lot 49_ but could
> not get into it; and this girl reads a lot, and enjoys it.  I tried
> to get her to try _Vineland_, but to no avail.  Did I say "ex-"?
> >     So speak up!  Opine!   I think Pynchon's female characters are
> wonderfully concieved and portrayed, but this is from a decidedly
> male perspective.  Do women enjoy Pynchon's work as much as men?  If
> not, why not?  Everyone should be entitled to an opinion on this
> without provoking too much senseless bickering.
> >                                truly,
> >                                ruud 
> >  
> >

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