GRGR 1,5 Blicero, POLE, transectio, rainbo

David Casseres david.casseres at
Thu Dec 1 16:45:48 CST 2005

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Casseres <david.casseres at>
Date: Dec 1, 2005 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: GRGR 1,5 Blicero, POLE, transectio, rainbo
To: Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at>

On 11/30/05, Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at> wrote:
> passion and math - woo-hoo!
> didn't Donald Knuth write a math romance, also?
> I'm not sure I'm up to the rigor of that yet, but I might soon check
> out his "Things a Computer Scientist Doesn't Usually Talk About"
> dealing with Christianity.  Seems like it would help in several of my
> quests, since Gravity's Rainbow abounds in Christian references.

His math romance, Surreal Numbers, is a novelette originally written
as a preface to a mathematical book by John Horton Conway.  But the
Knuth book I want to read is called 3:16 Bible Texts Illuminated.  He
translated verse 3:16 of each book of the Bible, and wrote a
commentary for it, and organized a team of calligraphers under Hermann
Zapf (there's that Z*pf name again!) to illuminate each verse.

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