A day of small replies

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 16 08:38:16 CST 2005

> I wasn't really taken on seeing the plot, but since I posted
> all those raw numbers, I started to write a Windows program.
> Thus far, I butted heads with the Help system until I got my
> first line to appear. Real data will follow after some days:
> http://home.earthlink.net/~glenn_scheper/gr_plot.exe

I got back to work on it, the C logic of it is in here.

I am rillly confused this morning. The release version
crashes, but the debug version doesn'nt, so this is the
debug version (~1.4 MB). Also 2 of the 4 plot types are
-.5 slope as expected, the other 2 ran way-the-f***-off.

So if you download this to your windows desktop and run it,
I will start by testing the plot logic, showing isomorphic
axes X and Y, and a +1 slope line.

Then try its 4 buttons:
        GR rank,
        GR n(rank)
        KJV rank,
        KJV n(rank)


You know, rushing a product to market always risks the
"demonstration effect". But it can't be any worse than
when I was in about 4-th grade: At home I was playing
with a oscillating relay, feeding that into a coil to
make a high-voltage. My source was a series of D cells
all soldered together.

When I took my little show-and-tell to school,
I put the whole thing in a little cardboard box.

Soon the teacher wondered, "What is that smell?"
It was the batteries all shorting together.

BTW, re: for glenn:
It sure is all over the internet, even related to Harry Potter!

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at + earthlink.net
Copyleft(!) Forward freely.

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