Lynd: Science, Narrative and Agency in GR

jbor jbor at
Sat Jan 1 21:07:11 CST 2005

If anyone would like a pdf version of the essay ...

'Science, Narrative, and Agency in Gravity's Rainbow' by Margaret Lynd.
_Critique_ 46.1. Washington: Fall 2004, pp. 63-70.

Lynd critiques Thomas Pynchon's novel _Gravity's Rainbow_, focusing
primarily on how agency and the subject are imagined in relation to
scientific discourse, and on the role that narrative might usefully play
as a significant, and perhaps necessary component in theorizations of
agency and subject relations. Among other things, she opines that the
novel suggests the capacity of narrative to represent and produce an
acting self, or at least to magnify certain crucial moments of awareness
that disrupt the predictable and make action imaginable. Details of her
analysis are presented.

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