Biology Lurks Beneath

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Mon Jan 24 10:26:04 CST 2005

> Bioliterary Explorations of the Individual versus Society

Here's another, similar idea:
The Biological Chip in our Cells


 In the year 1990 a group of scientists got together in
 Moscow, for whom the study of the human Genoms was too much
 reduced exclusively to biochemistry. They had recognized
 that by this viewpoint, which is based rather on orthodox
 dogmatism than on objective scientific realizations a lot of
 information remains hidden to us.

 Highly-qualified scientists belong to this group, to a large
 extent from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Beside
 physicists of the renowned Lebedev institute also molecular
 biologists participate, bio physicists, geneticists,
 embryologists and linguists. Director of the project is Dr.
 Pjotr Garjajev, a bio physicist and molecular biologist. He
 is member of the Russian Academy of Sciences as well as of
 the Academy of Sciences in New York.



 We must turn around the relations: the structure of the DNA
 does not correspond to the human language structure, but the
 human languages follow the genetic code in their structure
 the rules! DNA and genetic code existed already for a long
 time, before first humans spoke an articulated word for the
 first time! Every human languages developed since that time
 followed the basic pattern, already existing in the
 structure of the genetic code.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
Copyleft(!) Forward freely.

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