A probably old thought, newly raised

Will Layman WillLayman at comcast.net
Fri Jul 1 09:35:04 CDT 2005

The little I know about TRP suggests that he really wouldn't be
egomaniacally reading our stuff, wondering what we think.  He's busy writing
another book, raising his teenage son, going to movies.  The guy lives on
the Upper West Side of Manhattan, so he's got, you know, better stuff to do.

Besides, he KNOWS what we think.


On 7/1/05 10:06 AM, "Rcfchess at aol.com" <Rcfchess at aol.com> wrote:

> In a message dated 6/27/2005 10:57:16 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> pynchonoid at yahoo.com writes:
>> "everything connects"
> So if the above is true, do you think TRP is connecting with this list? I'm
> new to it but I'd venture a wild guess - no doubt raised years ago (?) - that
> he checks in to see what people are saying about him, from time to time at
> least...the q is, what would tempt him to surface (if anything)? No doubt he'd
> be leery of posting anything - espec. if he thinks it's potentially traceable
> - but it's a tempting thought: is there any possible comment or question that
> might provoke a possible response? (Tom, if you're out there, you could always
> channel a post through someone else, or from a library or "internet cafe" or
> some other public place)
> Anyone have any thoughts on this?
> (I'm new; be gentle...)
> RF

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