Pynchon dissertations

jbor at jbor at
Sat Jul 2 18:51:36 CDT 2005

Another three:

Critical carnival: Cyberpunk and the postmodern condition(al)
  by Nazare, Joseph, Ph.D., New York University, 2004, 560 pages.

Nietzsche and transmodernism: Art and science beyond the modern in 
Joyce, Stevens, Pynchon, and Kubrick
  by Marvin, John, Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2004, 
201 pages.

Vortex to virus, myth to meme: The literary evolution of nihilism and 
chaos in modernism and postmodernism
  by Varela, Julio A., Ph.D., The Florida State University, 2004, 245 


> On 23/06/2005, at 8:50 PM, jbor wrote:
>> For all dissertations back to 1997 the first 24 pages (generally 
>> comprising the title page, acknowledgements, index, and part of the 
>> introduction) are scanned and instantly downloadable as web pages, 
>> and it seems that these will also eventually be pdfs (but aren't at 
>> the moment). For those from before 1997 there is just a citation. It 
>> appears that when the Database is up and running fully there is scope 
>> to order the entire dissertation and have it forwarded 
>> electronically.
>> At present it seems as if it's possible to save the 24 page previews 
>> into an MS Word file. I assume the pdfs will become available 
>> eventually.
>> best
>> On 22/06/2005, at 8:35 AM, jborwrote:

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