NP - Cloud Atlas

jbor at jbor at
Thu Jul 7 18:06:19 CDT 2005

It came highly recommended to me as well, from several very reliable 
sources, and the first few pages seemed just fine to me too. I've just 
finished _The Charterhouse of Parma_ and then have to look at Rushdie's 
_Haroun & the Sea of Stories_, but it's next on my list after that.

It might be worth an informal group read here while nothing else is 
happening. Schedule that first chapter from next Monday for a week, 


> From: "Ghetta Life"
> Subject: NP - Cloud Atlas
> Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 16:31:52 +0000
> Well I did make it past the first chapter, and I had no problems with 
> it at
> all.  It's supposed to be a fragment of a diary written in the period, 
> so
> how else should it have been written?  The second chapter is in the 
> form of
> a series of letters from a would-be music composer to a close friend.  
> So
> far there is no "narrator" who shapes the story, more like a 
> collection of
> historical documents put together by a researcher with an implicit 
> message
> or moral that the reader will form from these first-hand sources.  It 
> is not
> "unreadable" for me.

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