AW: AW: Not Just About Iraq (Was: London)

Rcfchess at Rcfchess at
Sat Jul 9 08:17:13 CDT 2005

I agree with Otto's interpretation below; to equate a bad solution (Bush  
etc.) with irresponsible murder of innocents on a mass scale (terrorism), as  
keithsz is apparently doing, is not only to compound the problem (2 wrongs don't  
make a right, especially when one is much more wrong) but to virtually 
justify  criminal acts of the worst kind by simplistically reacting with 
non-thinking  rhetoric, as the terrorists themselves do, and claiming justification for 
the  worst possible acts. That's totally irresponsible, as well as relatively  
In a message dated 07/08/2005 11:35:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
keithsz at writes:

How can  American foreign policy, combined with the U.S. 
military-industrial  complex, not be part of the dynamic that results in 

Bush  and Blair are as responsible for the attacks as the terrorists.

On Jul  8, 2005, at 8:21 PM, Otto wrote:

It would be inappropriate too to lay  the blame for those attacks on 
Bush or
Blair. Primarily responsible are  those who planned and did it.

But I don't think that it has been Rich's  intention to lay the blame on
Bush, in my reading he was pointing to all  those hollow words we hear 
Bush since  9/11.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Ghetta Life  [mailto:ghetta_outta at]
Gesendet: Freitag, 8. Juli 2005  15:31
An: Rcfchess at; ottosell at;  richard.romeo at;
pynchon-l at
Betreff: Re: AW: Not Just  About Iraq (Was: London)

I agree that we are now in a  quagmire.  And I agree that the Iraq war 
made the world less  safe by creating an unstable environment with the
potential to become a  breeding ground for exporting more terrorism.  
But to
*link* the  London attack to the US's incompetance at waging war and the  

inability to protect its friends sure seems like laying blame  to me.  
And it

also rings hollow as anexpression of sympathy  for the victim.


> From:  Rcfchess at
>> Hope all our friends on the  list  from London are OK after today's
>> unfortunate events in the  ever  expanding global war on terror--a war
> which
>> the  US has no clue how to  win much less protect its own and  friends
> I'm not sure that Rich is "lay[ing] today's  attack  at [Bush's] feet" 
> by
> saying what he said; I  think it could be interpreted to  mean that 
> we've
> gotten  ourselves into (as Otto says) a quagmire, not that we  
>  necessarily
> are to blame for what the other side does. No? What do you  all  think?

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