Cloud Atlas Ch. 6

Bekah bekah0176 at
Wed Jul 20 16:06:05 CDT 2005

At 6:56 PM +1000 7/20/05, jbor at wrote:
>The 'Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin' After' story is quite superb. 
>The language and context complement one another perfectly, and it 
>revisits some of the themes of the (also very good) first chapter in 
>powerful and thought-provoking ways. Zachry's character and voice 
>are absolutely convincing. And it's a very easy read, surprisingly 
>so. Captivating, in fact.

That's the one that threw me the first time round but after listening 
to it on an audible version (iPod)  I got familiar with the 
pronunciations and the rhythm of the language.   Then reading the 
book again in paper format I heard the rhythmic voice from the 
listening.   I don't honestly know which was better,  reading it or 
hearing it but you're right, jbor,  it's beautiful and convincing.


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