'Aliens have taken the place of angels' - NP: Gibson

Ghetta Life ghetta_outta at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 21 09:12:15 CDT 2005

I recently read Stephenson's "Snow Crash" and found it juvenile.  I know 
it's an early work, so maybe he's improved with time.  But comparing 
Stephenson's cyberpunk "Snow Crash" to Gibson's cyberpunk "Nueromancer" or 
"Mona Lisa Overdrive," I think Gibson is much better on many levels.  But 
then again, it's been a long time since I've read Gibson, so my level of 
criticism might have gotten higher.


>From: "horvathg" <horvathg at delfin.klte.hu>
>My main problem with Gibson is that he feels himself obliged to thoroughly 
>introduce the visual parameters (i.e. clothes, hair, etc.) of any new 
>characters at the first step to the scene. This is the ugliest way to build 
>a character, if that is his intention. Stephenson is much better at it. And 
>much longer, so he may have more 'time' for it.

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