'Aliens have taken the place of angels' - NP: Gibson

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 21 12:09:11 CDT 2005

I think All Tomorrow's Parties is Gibson's best novel
to date.  I preferred in general the Virtual
Light/Idoru/ATP trilogy to the Neuromancer/Count
Zero/Mona Lisa Overdrive arc.  And I really like
Pattern Recognition as well.  I think it disappointed
only because he didn't have the luxury of all that
build-up without any determinate ending, unlike SOME
people we know.  In fact, it probably disappointed
BECAUSE it was so remisiscent of The Crying of Lot 49.
 Perhaps too much was expected of it as a result. 
Imagine the SF fanbvoy/general reader response had it
left things unresolved.  Remember what happened to
Twin Peaks.  Having reread Lot 49 the other day and
then foisted it on a close, personal friend ...

--- horvathg <horvathg at delfin.klte.hu> wrote:
> The only problem with PR is that it cuts short in
> the end.  You see a really nicely built sort of
> paranoid plot then it ends up abruptly with a
> nothing. I think he got tired of it, or missed the
> muses. Or the world isn't saved:)
> The ATP is much better. Try reading the 'trilogy'
> (is Virtual Light included??) in one run, it's
> marvelous....

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