'Aliens have taken the place of angels' - NP: Gibson
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 22 10:21:07 CDT 2005
But AM cranks out a lot of crap as well. Reminds me,
though, haven't seen an issue no. 2 of Albion yet.
And do note ...
Just in time for my birthday. But, again, how does
anyone here THING PR should have ended? It can't be
easy knocking off world-shattering, profound, whatever
endings. Me, I'm strapping myself in three years
early, now, apparently, for disppointment here ...
For some reason, the official site's down right now,
but that's the appropriate link above. But, yeah,
Snow Crash at least did indeed suck ...
--- Joel Katz <mittelwerk at hotmail.com> wrote:
> that's bull. alan moore doesn't pander, and he's
> writing fucking comicbooks. 'pattern recognition'
> was almost poignant at times, it wanted so hard to
> be a 'real' novel. and as for stephenson, c'mon,
> he's basically a fantasy novelist in dsguise, he
> wants to be writing about trolls and shit.
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