
Henry Musikar hmusikar at
Fri Jul 22 11:12:00 CDT 2005

The Republican - Springfield,MA,USA
SPRINGFIELD - Since English Puritan William Pynchon founded Springfield in
1636, longtime observers say the city has never had to cancel an election.

Made me wonder if about the Pynchon/Springfield/Simpson's connection, but says:

Springfield does not exist. Its location is a running gag,
no more.

There is enough evidence in the existing 335+ episodes of
The Simpsons to preclude Springfield's placement in ANY
American state. There are so many geographical
contradictions between episodes that it is impossible for
Springfield to actually exist.

This has now become a running gag among both the writers of
the show and its fans. In the show, references to
Springfield's precise location are always artfully
hidden, usually for comic effect:

This scene, from a preliminary script to "Brother, Can
You Spare Two Dimes" demonstrates the proper attitude to
have towards the issue.

    Scene: A train station. Herbert Powell is at the
           ticket booth.

    Herb:          I want a ticket to Springfield.
    Ticket Agent:  Springfield, Illinois?
    Herb:          No.
    Ticket Agent:  Springfield, Massachusetts?
    Herb:          No, Springfield...

    As Herb says the name of the state, a train whistle 
    blows, preventing us from hearing the answer.

"I'm from Springfield, IL, and one of the local papers 
recently had an interview with Matt Groening. In it he was
asked about 'Springfield' and he replied that he chose it
because it is one of the most common city names."

Henry says, "Hmmmmmm..."

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