pynchon-l-digest V2 #4339

Ghetta Life ghetta_outta at
Fri May 27 15:48:50 CDT 2005

These "best" lists are always a joke.

Aside from your suspicions of political bias (and I notice that "Dear 
Hunter" is also missing), Apocalypse Now is a far superior film than MANY 
included on this list ("Finding Nemo"?).

And including "Barry Lyndon" instead of "2001" makes no sense.

And is "Purple Rose of Cairo" really Woody Allen's best film?

Ditto "Ikira" by  Akira Kurosawa (what about "Ran"?)?

Ditto "Miller's Crossing" by the Cohen brothers (I like "The Big Lebowski")?


>From: Mark Wright AIA <mwaia at>
>Is it my imagination, or have they pretty much purged the list of 
>emotionally inconvenient war movies like
>Paths of Glory
>Henry V
>Full Metal Jacket
>Apocalypse Now
>Throne of Blood

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