Andr�s Ib��ez: el heredero espa�ol de Pynchon?

Ya Sam takoitov at
Thu Oct 6 13:54:27 CDT 2005

Thanks a lot.
Your description is indeed captivating. I think I should get to reading that 
book some day, despite the 'boring' verdict.


>From: François Monti <francois at>
>CC: pynchon-l-digest at
>Subject: Re: Andrés Ibáñez: el heredero español de Pynchon?
>Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 22:45:45 +0200
>Now that I have just 80 pages to go before reaching the end of his book, I 
>can comment a little more. In my opinion, it's not like Pynchon, neither in 
>themes nor style or execution. It is actually very Borgesian (Ibáñez 
>creates a parrallel world to our own, quite different, where people lead 
>very different lives although more or less interacting with the same people 
>they do in our world. Humans connect with this world through dreams that 
>they remember little of). If it was to be compared with an American writer, 
>it would have to be John Barth (meta-fiction, fascination for myths, and 
>maybe similar style). Ibáñez talks about Whitman, Joyce, Proust, Baudelaire 
>and even Tintin (for those of you who don't know him, he is the main 
>character of the most famous european comics).
>It's an interesting book, but I don't think it's really successful: a good 
>part of it is boring, it didn't really captivate me. I think its 
>description might be more exciting than the actual thing.
>Ya Sam wrote:
>>Although the heated discussion about the possible heirs of Pynchon has 
>>died down, I'd like to call on those who read in Spanish. A modern Spanish 
>>writer Andrés Ibáñez has been compared to Pynchon. No work of his, to my 
>>knowledge, has been translated into English. Has anybody read him, is he 
>>any good?
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