Nobel favourite

John Doe tristero69 at
Fri Oct 7 13:56:06 CDT 2005

Yes I agree; it IS all politics...if a writer has a
really heavyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, baby! moralizing "message"
to his/her fiction, and optimally comes from a second
or third world nation, then that is soooooooooooo cool
and deserving, even if the moral of the story is
rather banal and the imagery is tired and
cliche....this has been the academy's stance for
roughly two decades now...but suddenly they do an
about-face and decide Pynchon ( and DeLillo, and
probably guys like Barth and Barthelme ) are "not
experiemntal enough"....and the committee member uses
specious logic: who said an "epic" can't be rendered
in unconventional style? What? After pissing off the
Pulitzer committee over being " obscene" and
unintelligible, NOW Pynchon is too ordinary! Gimme a
break! I'd like to see them try to pull that shit with
Finnegans Wake....

--- Cyrus <ioannissevastianos at> wrote:

> I guess when they say "mainstream" they really mean
> "anglo-saxon". And 
> "experimental" must mean "with a non-anglo-saxon
> point of view". 
> Sometimes I get the feeling it's all politics.
> And Pynchon hasn't produced anything recently. Isn't
> that a criterion?
> Cyrus
> John Carvill wrote:
> >Yeah, like JM Coetzee is really experimental.  
> >
> >Pynchon mainstream? Jeez Louise!
> >
> >My money's on either Roth or (they keep sayin') Bob
> Dylan.
> >
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: owner-pynchon-l at
> [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at] On
> >Behalf Of Paul Taylor
> >Sent: 07 October 2005 09:52
> >To: jbor at
> >Cc: pynchon-l at
> >Subject: Re: Nobel favourite
> >
> >from
> >
> ><<Thente [Swedish lit. crit.] said he would like to
> see "the great
> >American postmodernist authors Don DeLillo or
> Thomas Pynchon" take
> >home the prestigious award, but Weyler [Swed.
> chief. ed.] said he
> >didn't think they had a chance.
> >"They are great epic writers, but they are
> considered very mainstream.
> >They're not very experimental, pushing the
> boundaries of literature,"
> >he said. >>
> >
> >Pynchon in the 'mainstream'.  Ouch.
> >
> >--PT
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >

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