Fwd: Big Bang?

Cyrus ioannissevastianos at yahoo.gr
Sun Oct 9 06:08:33 CDT 2005

jbor at bigpond.com wrote:

> I don't have a problem with the concept of falsifiability at all. Why 
> invent another straw man? It's the semantic category of "falsifiable 
> hypothesis" I questioned.

That's what I meant. There was, again, no straw man here. Lack of 
clarity, maybe.

> Does "Science", or your version of it, [...]

MY version of it? What does that mean? Are there more than one? If it 
follows the scientific method it's science, isn't it? Is there more to it?

> [...] acknowledge that there is a qualitative difference between, 
> e.g., the "Big Bang" theory, and, e.g., the theory of gravitational 
> attraction? My observation is that there is a big difference, but I 
> don't see that the rhetorical construct "falsifiable hypothesis" 
> delineates or caters for that difference in any way.

Could you please point out this difference, as you perceive it?


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