The Sadness of America

John Doe tristero69 at
Mon Oct 10 22:57:13 CDT 2005

yup...good reply...I share that ambivalence, just like
I had the Love/Hate relationship with Manhattan when I
lived there years ago...I'm glad I'm in this
country...I love it....but...if I were independently
wealthy...I would probably be living in Florence or
Iceland or the! for violent,
perhaps we are...hard for me to argue that one....can
anyone say 'Bowling for Columbine'?...I don't film amused me... and raised a few
interesting questions...but the part I found most
appealing was the Canadians who didn't lock their
doors! Because I usually don't either, on the
assumption that I just can't imagine the odds running
such that the would-be burglar would happen to pick my
place when he can target the guy with the really huge
entertainment system down the steet...I'm sure I will
learn a hard lesson someday about that!...

--- sims <sims at> wrote:

> At 5:52 PM -0700 10/10/05, Bekah wrote:
> >And this is a part of the sadness of America.
> Here in Valletta, the Times of Malta recently held a
> poll for its readers.
> It *is* sad that 83% said they would not want to
> have an American move
> next to them. When talking to some locals about this
> the reply was always
> that 'Americans are way too violent and dangerous'.
> Not everyone wishes they could move to America.
> ciao,
> sims

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