GRGR Holocaust, spleen

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Wed Oct 26 12:43:51 CDT 2005

In 1999, I wrote: 
[...] If you read the "carriage" as a train car to a
Nazi death camp, this allusion makes even more sense
-- Pynchon announcing right up front what lies at the
heart of this novel: the Holocaust of the Jews, and
the forces (corporate, governmental, and military)
that brought it about. [...]

"Heart" having caused such distress last time 'round,
I now suggest that the Holocaust (and genocide more
generally) be considered GR's spleen, and that perhaps
the Holocaust dead (and the rest of the war dead and
injured and afflicted) might be seen as Their
acceptable level of collateral damage along the way of
achieving Their manifold objectives, as was the case
for the victims of the Southeast Asian war taking
place while Pynchon wrote GR, not to mention, now, in
the Middle East.
"everything connects"

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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