Pirate's Dream - Symbolism

Mark Wright AIA mwaia at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 26 16:08:33 CDT 2005


True. Very rich in symbolism, that pulley. SS, OSS, Pisces, "Yin and
yang. Yin and yang..." And how about those lesbian elephants?

I think we shouldn't worry about whether an observation is old news or
not. Few of us are around who remember, few of us care. Fewer still
will have anything "original" to say about a book that has generated so
many thousands of tons of futile academic paper and used up so many
terrabytes of memory on so many servers and PCs and Macs. 

Maybe my heart just isn't in this anymore...
Where's Terrance?

--- Ghetta Life <ghetta_outta at hotmail.com> wrote:

> This is old news from a previous GRGR:
> This wheel is the  (spinning) yin/yang symbol:
> http://www.healingtherapies.info/images/Yin__Yang.gif
> It is later recalled in GR as two fish chasing each other's tails
> (AKA 
> Pisces):
> http://www.singles-space.com/ZodiacSigns/Pisces.jsp
> Ghetta
> >From: Mark Wright AIA <mwaia at yahoo.com>
> >
> >GR p. 4 l. 18  "... pulleys whose spokes are shaped like Ss"
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