GR P1 S1: "The Evacuation still proceeds..."
jp3214 at
Thu Oct 27 06:09:01 CDT 2005
Evacuation is a term frequently applied to taking a shit. Pissing
is often referred to as: "voiding". This distinction is important for
several reasons, not least of which is Pirate's mindset as a
dreamer, and then, later, aping an "empiricist" commando, at
the sink. Control, or training, is also an important thematic
note being struck here.
Backing up a bit, some clarification needs to be done concerning
the differences between Entropy and Gravity. They are not the
same, although frequently confused.
Both are, or produce, effects primarily on the macroscopic scale.
In fact, entropy does not seem to exist on the quantum level. A
Feynman diagram of an "event" or interaction between quantum-
scale particles, shows that time is completely reversible (or
doesn't exist). There is no intrinsic reason for favoring one direction
over the opposite.
Only when things get macroscopic, or statistical, do events become
locked in, or irreversible, and the terms cause and effect become,
perhaps, meaningful.
Gravity does exist on the quantum level- it is a fundamental property
of existence and produces field effects in time/space- but at
the quantum scale, its effects are so miniscule, so overshadowed
by the effects of the strong and electro-weak forces, it can, for
all intents and purposes- except under very special circumstances-
be ignored.
It's not that gravity doesn't wreak havoc. Obviously, the rocket's
arc of death and destruction depends- or is determined by- the
gravitational field of the earth working in concert with the guidance
or control efforts of the nazi scientists. Work is also an essential
term, here, along with control. Gravity can be enlisted as a
partner in doing work. Gravity can also perform work, i.e., increase
order in a given section of the universe unaided, but appreciated,
by us.
Entropy is anti-work. period. It has only one vital role- to impose
order on the quantum shuffle of sub-atomic particles, by imposing
downward causation on that realm, when permitted, by a relatively
weak (or near absence of a) gravitational field. That permission has
been granted, if you will, since the inception of time, a fraction of a
second after the Bang, and is only revoked in unique spots, e.g., the
region surrounding the singularity of a black hole. When and where
gravity is weak, time is linear, effects are caused, and can be
reversed (never completely) only by performing work.
All synecdoches on deck. NOW HEAR THIS:
Any hands that turn the hands of time must not only be connected
to bodies that eat, drink,shit and piss, but also, they must pay for
their own lunch.
That goes for you, too, M&D... Where's Bodine?
I have much more to say about Pynchon's use and abuse
of both entropy and gravity, including the famous example
of the astronaut attempting defecation in zero G- but it seems
I've plumb run out time. More, god willing, later- but not too
much later, I hope. Now, I have to go and labor.
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