GRGR P1S1: Willing Suspension-"It's All Theatre"
jp3214 at
Sat Oct 29 09:11:05 CDT 2005
Reverses and Inversions seem to the order of the day (or
night, as the case may be for our dreamer). In the theatre
of the mind, what are we being asked to suspend; what looms
just above us waiting to come crashing down- belief or disbelief?
But first a comment regarding all the clamoring for the placing
of a straightjacket on our collective imaginations by insisting
on some sort of bureaucratic "solution" for what appears,
to the uninspired eye, to be the chaos of the current group read:
Fuck off. And with all due discretion vis a vis Herr Goodwin,
such self-fulfilling prophesies of disorder and sexist references
to female dogs (right, like what we need around here is some big
bruiser, husky and tall, to carry the ball, and you're just the fella)-
remind me of the attempts by Kamenev, Zinoviev and Stalin to
drive a wedge between Lenin and Trotsky regarding the notion
of "Permanent Revolution" with the crypto-Menshevik rot of
the the "Theory of Stages", and other liberal compromises
designed to placate the bourgeoisie.
Well I say, to all who would raise the fear of "chaos" as an
excuse to impose some arbitrary and self-promoting order
on the natural order of the common reader's commonsense:
Arm the proletariat! Let freedom reign! Grease the guillotines!
Gravity will not desert us. The true order- immanent, inchoate,
will emerge, and Pirate- over his moment of doubt in the
garden- shoulders hunched and bearing bananas, will descend
the doubled (shouldn't doubled be spelled "duo-bled"? didn't
"o" and "u" get reversed somehow?) helix, into the warmth of
the true communal breakfast of humankind- the dawn of a new
age. Or not. I, at any rate, will never be cowed into accepting
some arbitrary path, pseudo-selected by the self-elected. Nature
knows best. And besides, her slippers are soaked with blood.
Now, about that key phrase: "but it's all theatre" which must
impose a certain frame on any interpretation of the.....
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