Clasic Dave Monroe Re-packaged
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at
Fri Sep 23 16:43:18 CDT 2005
Oh, yeah, I assumed he was as well, but I really did
find Joe's story ... resonant, touching, even, and, no
matter how they turn out, i still think that one of
the best things you can do for kids is get them
reading, thinking, working on something intresting, et
al. It was heartbreaking moving and realizing that,
once, I really wanted to DO something, might even have
been capable of doing so. Hell, comic books are
better than most books aimed at kids, better
vocaublary, more interesting ideas, even better
illustrations ...
By the way, one of these days, I'm hunting down Dave
Eggers and popping him one, right in the kisser. A
Mindnumbing Work of Staggering Pretension. I didn't
have an Ivy League degree and a comparable inheritance
to work with when everything went down (though I DID
blow enough to have gotten me through The University
of Chicago, which is where I was supposed to end up,
THAT really hurts). I sure didn't get no book deal,
neither. Ditto Party of Five. I was always afraid
some local teevee news deal would find us out and
insist on interviewing us as the local version ...
Butm, dammit, yr probably kidding as well, so ...
But i still stand by my pemise, my parents did what
they could for us, they did the best thing they could
for us, even if chemistry, circumstance and/or
irresponsibility made less of it all than optimal ...
--- Carvill John <johncarvill at> wrote:
> Great post. Soulful, characterful, lyrical and
> right. Allows me to answer the ever-present unspoken
> question of whether I'm wasting my time with this
> p-plist thing - hanging around waiting for a
> credible rumour of a new Pynchon book - with a
> heartfelt NO. Reads like a compressed Philip Roth.
> I for one assumed auld Joel was joking with his
> "disgusting" comment, sure it's easy to sneer
> (Homer: "Yeah, fun too"), but surely it's better to
> get a taste for books however you get the taste?
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