thank-you notes

Tim Strzechowski dedalus204 at
Wed Aug 2 09:29:50 CDT 2006

Dear Paul,

It is with kindness and gratitude that I send this humble missive.  Your 
attention to the finer aspects of netiquette here on Pynchon-L make you a 
standout amongst us, your virtual peers, and looking forward to your next 
post is, as always, the welcome charge of,

                                                   Yours affectionately,

                                                          Tim Strzechowski

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Mackin" <paul.mackin at>
To: <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 9:12 AM
Subject: thank-you notes

> One of the  things I'd like to see happen here on the p-list is a  return 
> to the age-honored practice of writing thank-you notes.
> We  should never be too busy to take the time to  let others know  that 
> they are appreciated.

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