AtD excerpt - "got-damn pinkinroller"

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Sun Aug 6 16:00:13 CDT 2006

I don't recall reviews showing up all to much eralier
than Vineland or Mason & Dixon themselves did, at any
rate.  But, reall, just how much CAN you give away
about a Pynchon novel, esp. in the space of a review? 
Just what would constitute a spoiler?  It's never so
much a question of what happens, as why.  That's what
seems to keep us going, at any rate ...

--- Ya Sam <takoitov at> wrote:

> I also hope I'm wrong but it's not the way things
> happen, although there is always a choice of not
> exposing oneself to any spoiling info. And I'm
> pretty sure there will be a detailed review at
> least two months before the publication....

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