FT review

Otto ottosell at googlemail.com
Sat Dec 2 23:13:27 CST 2006

Of course you're absolutely right, Derek, but don't forget that these
reviewers are writing for readers who in their majority don't know who
Pynchon is.

And someone who wants to lead a normal life nowadays, undisturbed my
the media, simply isn't "normal" for the media people when everybody
else wants to become a tv-star at all costs, even if it is only for
five minutes.


2006/12/2, Derek Milner <peak.sound at gmail.com>:
> I'm so got-damn tired of all of these ATD features pushing the "recluse"
> angle. I refuse to be interviewed or photographed, don't divulge my place of
> residence, and never make public appearances, either. That doesn't make me a
> recluse. It means I'm normal.
> I can't tell if all of these critics are hacks, blind sheep, or both.
> Sheesh.

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