MAD3PAD 28-30 - pollicate // Borges - AF ? // GRGR 1,8 -

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Wed Jan 25 08:19:57 CST 2006

Michael Bailey, Jan 13:
> I've been perusing your website and am trying to re-find
> the place where you linked to an online tachistoscope -
> this device figured in a Heinlein book,
> wherein the protagonists used it to increase their reading
> and comprehension skills -
> something I could use (also,
> could have sworn you had links to your posts on a Nabokov
> list -
> of which list I do not know the location either)
> and while reading and searching,
> and getting distracted (and wondering with much wonder
> about this AF phenomenon),
> it crossed my mind to also wonder -
> was Borges an AF practitioner?

Borges never came up in my surfing keywords of interest to me.

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Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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