Ladies and Gentlemen, the next President of the United States

Joe Allonby joeallonby at
Tue Jan 31 21:56:37 CST 2006

"A parent does not ask the child to pay the mortgage."

On 1/31/06, Joe Allonby <joeallonby at> wrote:
> I've been talking a lot lately with friends about how there is nobody in
> the Democratic Party of stature who can step up when Nucular Dubya leaves
> office. John McCain has actually been looking good. Where is the next Jimmy
> Carter or Bill Clinton who comes from out of nowhere to lead?
> The last time around, I was a big fan of Wesley Clark.
> Tonight, I heard a lot of bullshit and demagoguery. He did everything but
> pull out a litter of puppies and say that the American military opposes the
> slaughter of innocent cute things.
> Then there was Tim Kaine.
> Forget Hillary. Tell Kerry to give it up. Tim Kaine is the next President
> of the United States.
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