Mick and Keith and Thomas

MalignD at aol.com MalignD at aol.com
Sat Jul 29 08:11:56 CDT 2006

> <<He started using alternate tunings in an attempt to recreate the fullness 
> of two guitars while only playing one, but without obvious studio trickery. 
> Try playing the intro to Happy while tuned D-G-D-G-B-D low to high. You'll 
> need a capo at the fifth fret. See how full that sounds, like more than one 
> guitar? Now listen to the song (or any of the others that I mentioned) and 
> listen to the arrangements.>>
Well, again, there's nothing original in the notion that you'll get a fuller 
sound with open tunings.   His playing sounds great in those songs, I agree; 
but I would still say you're over-rating him; I don't think this is the feat 
you think it is.   Open tunings, stereo amps, kick up the reverb, lots of things 
you can do easily enough to fill out your sound.

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