Ethical Diversions

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Thu Jun 22 10:03:20 CDT 2006

There's an awful lot the narrator/s know/s that teh
chracters don't.  There's an awuful lt both Pynchon
and hs readers know, or can at least be expected to

Keep in mind, all I've been arguing all these, well,
YEARS now is that the Holocaust is indeed an element
in Gravity's Rainbow (just as it is in, say, V., or
The Crying of Lot 49, for that matter), and, as such,
worth commenting on ...

Of course, I've been arguing that nigh unto EVERYTHING
in there is worth commenting on, but here's where I've
been getting some peculiar resitance.  But perhaps
that at long last has dissipated.  Let me know ... 

--- MalignD at wrote:
> I think we agree in sum, but isn't this a little
> circular?  I.e. -- or, he created characters with
> limited knowledge so that he wouldn't have to
> foreground  the Holocaust.

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