V for Vendetta
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 20 13:13:54 CST 2006
And then there's Altman. Popeye is one of the best
cartoon-to-live-action films ever, if not THE best
one, if not the ONLY decent one. And his take on
Nat'l Lampoon's O.C. & Stiggs is at least underrated
--- moishe lichtfuss <moishe.lichtfuss at demusement.com>
> "Gilliam has said he would consider directing it as
> a twelve hour miniseries."
> i would like that! can we have that?
> plus, if gilliam would do it, the movie would be
> either brilliant or really bad. no inbetweens for
> that guy (wait! i'm not that sure about 'the fisher
> king'.)...
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