MD3PAD 313-315

Toby G Levy tobylevy at
Mon May 1 07:16:05 CDT 2006

        Mason tells a longish tale of how the British intimidated the
Jacobites and also of the way in which hydraulic looms created a wealthy
class of residents changing the life of everyone else who lived in the
area. He speculates that they are moving towards more extreme examples
of uncivilized behavior as they moved from London to Capetown to

vw#75: Casuistry - The determination of right and wrong in questions of
conduct or conscience by analyzing cases that illustrate general ethical

        Chapter 32 begins on page 315 with a return to the family room
of the LeSpark house. Pitt and Pliny are told it is their bedtime, but
they are reluctant to leave the story of Mason and Dixon. They perceive
that at the end of the last chapter they were irritated and might have
gotten in a fist fight. They ask how they as twins can be asked to leave
the story being told of twins like Mason and Dixon.  Wicks said they
were twins only to a point, having a dispute in 1767 or 1768 that ended
their partnership.  Pitt and Pliny decide it is better to leave off
before the split occurs.


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