Best novel of the quarter century

rich richard.romeo at
Tue May 23 01:14:34 CDT 2006

i can see why some may feel let down by M&D--he does seem to repeat himself
which may be a consequence of the reported writers block he had after GR was
published. I am quite OK with that and appreciated his effort in translating
our present day concerns with that of the late 18th century.

new translation of Life and Fate is being released by NY Review of
Books--highly recommend it tho i've yet to read this one


On 5/22/06, jd <wescac at> wrote:
> Ouch!
> M&D is actually the only Pynchon I've not read.  I got through 100
> pages and then classes got too busy and I had to put it down.
> Planning on giving it a re-read this summer.
> Do you have any specific points to make against it?  And, as an aside,
> what do you think of Vineland, which many people seem to consider his
> weakest? (Not necessarily the people on this list mind you, but every
> time it's mentioned somewhere it seems to be derided as his lesser
> work).
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