What I happened upon...

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Sun May 28 12:33:35 CDT 2006

I recieve crazy crap from strangers all the time.  It'
called the P-List.  Are y'all concerned about that
photo + name (it's only the one in which he's remotely
recognizable) or not?  If not, you prove my point,
that the bitching here is directed at people, not
content.  If so, well, there's no point in working
yrselves up about it UNLESS you're going to do
something about it, so ...

I wrote that WHILE waiting for Robt. to chime in,
albeit initially in first person.  But I didn't want
to take sole credit for what I saw--and, presumably,
later saw confirmed--as listwide concern, not only for
Pynchon fils, but or the concerns of Pynchon & Jackson
pere/mere.  I don't personally expect an answer, or
even acknowledgment, but I'll likely check back over
teh week to see if that image/name was removed ...

At any rate, I DIDN'T send y'all the contact info I
sent with the letter, 'cos as much as I enjoy hearing
from fellow and/otr lay listers far and wide, those
who've wanted to find me have never had any problem
doing so anyway, so ...

--- Paul Mackin <paul.mackin at verizon.net> wrote:

> I must be dreaming.  Did you really send this? No
> way of knowing what reaction on the other end might
> be (if there is an other end) but if i received
> something like this from a stranger I might  have
> trouble getting to sleep for a few nights.
> At least they'll know there's not a LONE nut out
> there? There's a whole p-LIST of nuts.

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