What I happened upon....

Sean Mannion third_eye_unmoved at hotmail.com
Mon May 29 15:59:45 CDT 2006

Right, y'know what, I've had my say. It's all in that email, and I think the 
whole thing is very crass and very embarrassing for the reasons stated in 
that email.

No personal offence to either of you, Dave, Ben, but I'm honestly not 
convinced by what you've both had to say in reponse to the earlier email. 
I'm resisting the urge to go more in depth and post more replies to both 
your replies because I sincerely think nothing will be gained by it; if 
either the meaning itself, or how the nature of how it applies, aren't clear 
by this stage, then I can't explain to anyone any further.

Apart from the fact that I'd be slightly more conservative with the 
threshold, I fully agree what what you're saying, JD.

>From: Dave Monroe <monropolitan at yahoo.com>
>To: jd <wescac at gmail.com>
>CC: B C Johnson <bjohnson02 at insightbb.com>,  Sean Mannion 
><third_eye_unmoved at hotmail.com>, pynchon-l at waste.org
>Subject: Re: What I happened upon....
>Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 12:27:29 -0700 (PDT)
>My position is, it's interesting, I've no problem with
>even his picture being on there, in fact, I don't see
>why anyone should have a problem with it EXCEPT for
>the kid's parents, if anyobody, but if anyone's going
>to whine about it here, well, ultimately the only
>responsible thing for them to do would be to do what I
>found myself doing in a fit of preemptive
>exasperation.  If you think something might possibly
>endanger a child, you don't ignore of even willfully
>forget that it's there, you say something about it.
>But given the benign nature of everything involved,
>it's ultimately only the Pynchons' business if it's up
>there or not.  So all you can do is let them know.
>Me, I don't like to feel that I've possibly ratted
>some kid out, but, then again, on the one hand, y'all
>were concerned about Pynchon's privacy, or our
>depravity, or whatever, so, well ...
>--- jd <wescac at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > What's the deal
> >
> > Anyways yeah there was a bit too much on this list
> > about the guy's kid
> > lately, I definitely vote we vie away from that, the
> > kid is not the
> > author, shouldn't be considered a window to the
> > author, and in general
> > I bet is pretty sick of people bugging him about his
> > dad.  We in no
> > way have any right to have any contact with him or
> > his family.  It's
> > just wrong.  Even if you think he's doing it "for
> > the wrong reasons"
> > or whatever, well, that's his bag.  Now, we might
> > stumble across stuff
> > like the above photograph, and frankly, we're pretty
> > big fans, so we
> > can't do much to keep ourselves from looking (and
> > anyways I'm not
> > convinced it's real).  But once it goes beyond being
> > a photograph on
> > the internet or reading a few essays about it...
> > that's just too far.
> >
> > Just my two cents.
> >
> >
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