What I happened upon....

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Mon May 29 16:25:32 CDT 2006

To recap.  Judy stumbled acoss that photo, however she
managed to do it.  Otto wondered aloud as to which kid
was Pynchon's.  I worked it out given info @ that
photo album site, plus stumbled on a soundfile for the
band as a result.  Sean took exception, from what I
can tell, to even finding that site in the first
place.  Robert, from what I can tell, took exception
to it even being posted.  Me, I took such objections
to their logical conclusion, i.e., bringing it
possibly to the attention of the only people both with
a legitimate possible concern and a legitimate way to
do anything about it, if tehy felt it necessary in the
first place.  Why'd I bother?  Largely so's we could
say, okay, we can in good conscience then move on, if
it needs be taken care of, it will be, othrwise ...
but, I will admit, also to see just how much of said
concern was on the up and up (I do not doubt your
sincerity, though, Sean, but I still can't figure out
yr logic, or perhaps even yr complaint any more; Robt.
and Paul simply cast about unavory aspersions that I
THINK tehy thought were directed at me, but, hey, I
neither found nor posted that link, so ...).   
Meanwhile, I STILL think Jusy deserves an apology. 
She needs neither to explain nor defend herself.  I
THINK such has been the implication of others'
arguments here as well, so ...

Ultimately, for me, this thread has been important NOT
for what it might ever have or have not yielded about
Pynchon (though it is interesting as operating at the
borders of celebrity, privacy, fandom, propriety, et
al.), as for what it yields about us, the List.  I
knew Robt. and, subsequently, Paul would bitch
eventually, but other objections were a genuine
surprise.  And worth dealing with seriously, so ...

But, again, my contention is, you can't be worried
about what might happen as a result of taht photograph
indeed being online and ublically available without
feeling thus obligated to do something about it, so

--- Sean Mannion <third_eye_unmoved at hotmail.com>

> Right, y'know what, I've had my say....

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