MD3PAD 400-402
Toby G Levy
tobylevy at
Wed May 31 07:00:35 CDT 2006
Amy is dressed all in black and she asks Mason what he thinks of
that. Mason has no words with which to reply. He returns Amy to her
uncle who is very young, and calls her Amelia. Her uncle invites him
into his parlor, in which Mason finds an odd collection of rogues who
attempt to figure Mason out by looking him over.
Finally Mason tells them that he is a surveyor.
vw#93: Cadastral - A public record, survey, or map of the value, extent,
and ownership of land as a basis of taxation.
After a brief threat from a pistol carrying Irishman called
"Black-Powder" The Uncle realizes that he is in the presence of he
"renown'd Astronomer" Mason.
The rest of the group goes on complaining about the British and
their lack of respect for the colonies. Finally the Uncle asks Mason if
he would be able to repair a telescope on the premises.
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