the new book?

Ben Yadon cleobirdwell at
Wed May 31 17:41:52 CDT 2006

the american wiki article has this:

It has been rumored that Pynchon's next book will be about the life
and loves of Sofia Kovalevskaya, whom he allegedly studied in Germany.
The former German minister of culture Michael Naumann has stated that
he assisted Pynchon in his research about "a Russian mathematician
[who] studied for David Hilbert in Göttingen". No reliable information
about the novel's date of publication has so far been forthcoming.


On 5/31/06, jd <wescac at> wrote:
> Generally speaking, yeah, it's about six months to a year of
> promotions for a book.  I think that if Pynchon had a book coming out
> this year we would have already heard about it - because I doubt that
> a publisher would pass up an opportunity like Book Expo America to
> plug something so big, or even an American Librarian Association expo
> - I got a copy of Umberto Eco's Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana there
> four or five months before it was released (galley copy).  So I would
> imagine that if Pynchon had a book coming out this year we would have
> heard about it by now, unless the release date is as secretive as the
> author and they just want to drop it on us like a water balloon or
> something.

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