the new book?

jd wescac at
Wed May 31 18:29:01 CDT 2006

On 5/31/06, Ben Yadon <cleobirdwell at> wrote:
> the american wiki article has this:
> It has been rumored that Pynchon's next book will be about the life
> and loves of Sofia Kovalevskaya, whom he allegedly studied in Germany.
> The former German minister of culture Michael Naumann has stated that
> he assisted Pynchon in his research about "a Russian mathematician
> [who] studied for David Hilbert in Göttingen". No reliable information
> about the novel's date of publication has so far been forthcoming.
> -ben
> On 5/31/06, jd <wescac at> wrote:
> > Generally speaking, yeah, it's about six months to a year of
> > promotions for a book.  I think that if Pynchon had a book coming out
> > this year we would have already heard about it - because I doubt that
> > a publisher would pass up an opportunity like Book Expo America to
> > plug something so big, or even an American Librarian Association expo
> > - I got a copy of Umberto Eco's Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana there
> > four or five months before it was released (galley copy).  So I would
> > imagine that if Pynchon had a book coming out this year we would have
> > heard about it by now, unless the release date is as secretive as the
> > author and they just want to drop it on us like a water balloon or
> > something.
> >

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