MD3PAD 766-768

Toby G Levy tobylevy at
Wed Oct 4 06:21:20 CDT 2006

        Isaac tells Mason that he thought when he finally left
Sapperton, he'd be headed to London and Mason says that when he was
Isaac's age he couldn't wait to go to London.  Isaac asked why he came
back, and Mason says it was to be with his family.  Isaac asks about
Rebekah and Mason promises to tell all about her at some future time.

        It begins to snow and they seek shelter at an inn called The
Merry Ghosts.  They are told it is filled by a private party but Isaac
speaks up using a lot of slang and buys a round for the house and they
are permitted to stay.

vw#140: quiddles - spends time in trifling employments, or attends to
useful subjects in an indifferent or superficial manner; to dawdle.

        Isaac thinks they've stumbled across a group of bandits. He read
of them in the Ghastly Fop.

vw#141: Tohu-Vabohu - a transliteration of the Hebrew text of Genesis
1:2, where it says that in the beginning the earth was "without form
[tohu] and void [vabohu]." (this is from the Hyperarts Mason and Dixon

        Since they can't sleep among all the commotion in the pub, Isaac
asks Mason about Rebekah.

        At Bishop they visit Dixon's unmarked (by Quaker custom) grave.
As Mason is filled with thoughts of remorse at leaving Isaac when he was
a baby, Isaac thinks that Mason is grieving the loss of Dixon.

        Mason returned to work, making money mainly by revising a
nautical almanac, which he believed entitled him to a 5,000 pound prize
offered by the Board of Longitude.


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