ATD at the Frankfurter Buchmesse

Michel Ryckx mryc2903 at
Wed Oct 11 13:47:36 CDT 2006

Article says '[Pamuk's] next novel'.

About Peter Verhelst's 'Zwerm': rights have been sold already (English), 
I believe.  Began the thing - a bit disappointing.  I remember an 
interview with the author in which he stated -10 years ago or so- he was 
constantly re-reading Pynchon.  I think the author of Zwerm is the 
victim of the Peter Principle -no pun intended on the author's name.


Ya Sam schreef:
> Thanks for the info! Was there any word about the Flemish book 'Zwerm 
> " getting an English publisher? And this new Pamuk, is it a brand new 
> novel?


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