ARC Prices

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Wed Oct 11 14:09:01 CDT 2006

I continue to disagree, in a friendly way I hope, and
say, look at the results. Online is buzzing with news 
and talk about the book, which started when the Book Description went up, and spiked again
with news of the ARC's - buzz in response to
publisher's marketing moves each time.  Also,
personalizing those ARC's is a great touch, all but
the most hard-hearted reviewers who get them will
treasure them and champion the book all the more
because the publisher went to the trouble to do it.
Every one of them will mention that in their reviews
(a badge of honor), and that aspect will get
additional publicity for the book. None of this
happened by accident, it's been prompted by timely
actions on the part of the publisher. More news about
the book itself will surface in the coming days as
more reviewers let out more details.

It's a different kind of marketing perhaps, but it
looks to me as if the publisher is doing a fine job of
publicizign the book online and building interest in
it - not to mention pre-orders at Amazon which have
been significant, I believe.  I won't say they have
consulted my book (Firebrands:  Building Brand Loyalty
in the Internet Age) but the techniques they are
using, I have described in some detail therein.

--- Carvill John <johncarvill at> wrote:

> >They've done a good job of keeping interest high
> >so far, here and elsewhere online.
> Doug, I'm not being argumentative here (honest!),
> but I find it odd that you 
> can say that when there's been no visible marketing
> campaign whatsoever, no 
> Website, nowt. Having reviewers' names printed on
> the front page of review 
> copies is a nice wheeze, but even if we accept that
> the 
> now-you-see-it-now-you-don't-oh-look-it's-back
> episode with the blurb was 
> machevellian marketing trickery - and I for one
> definitely do not accept 
> that - what exactly have the publishers done to
> promote the book since?
> Rather than having done a good job, I'd say they
> haven't done much of a job 
> at all, unless their cunning angle is to promote by
> seeming not to promote? 
> Presence of absence and all that? You'd think
> there'd be some online 
> activity, surely?
> Ah well, can't be long before reviews start
> appearing in the press. What's 
> the betting on when/where the first review will
> appear? Online? Print? Two 
> weeks before publication day? Three?
> Also, anyone wanna speculate on whether we'll see
> another, perhaps more 
> substantial, excerpt before the book hits the shops?
> Cheers
> JC

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